How to become an Electrical Engineer

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Electrical Engineer

Becoming an electrical engineer is one of the best jobs in the world and moving towards becoming an electrical engineer will be one of the best moves in your life.

Are you aspiring to embark on a fulfilling career as an Electrical Engineer? Look no further! Our comprehensive course, “How to Become an Electrical Engineer,” is designed to equip you with the technical expertise and behavioral skills necessary to excel in the dynamic world of electrical engineering. Whether you’re a recent graduate or a professional looking to make a career shift, this program is tailored to guide you on your path to success.

Career Overview

Electrical Engineers are at the forefront of technological innovation, responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining electrical systems and devices that power our modern world. They play a pivotal role in various industries, including telecommunications, electronics, energy, manufacturing, and automation. As Electrical Engineers, professionals have the opportunity to shape the future of technology and contribute to society’s progress by creating efficient and sustainable solutions.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Design and Development: Electrical Engineers conceptualize and design electrical systems, circuits, and components, ensuring they meet performance, safety, and efficiency standards.

  2. Testing and Troubleshooting: They conduct tests and experiments to evaluate the performance of electrical systems and identify and rectify issues and malfunctions.

  3. Project Management: Electrical Engineers often lead projects, coordinating teams, budgets, and timelines to ensure successful implementation of electrical solutions.

  4. Research and Innovation: Staying up-to-date with the latest technological advancements, Electrical Engineers innovate and integrate new technologies into their projects.

  5. Regulatory Compliance: They ensure that electrical systems and devices comply with industry standards and government regulations related to safety and environmental impact.

Career Roadmap for Electrical Engineer:

1. Educational Foundation:

  • Bachelor’s Degree: Begin your journey by earning a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering or a related field. Your undergraduate education provides a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and engineering principles.

2. Gain Practical Experience:

  • Internships and Co-op Programs: Seek internships and cooperative education programs to gain hands-on experience and exposure to real-world engineering projects.

3. Specialization:

  • Choose a Focus Area: Consider specializing in areas such as power systems, electronics, telecommunications, control systems, or renewable energy, depending on your interests and career goals.

4. Professional Licensure:

  • Engineering License: Many Electrical Engineers pursue licensure as a Professional Engineer (PE) to enhance their career prospects, especially in roles involving public safety and government-regulated projects.

5. Advanced Education (Optional):

  • Master’s or Ph.D.: Some professionals opt for advanced degrees to delve deeper into specialized fields, conduct research, and access higher-level positions.

6. Entry-Level Position:

  • Junior Electrical Engineer: Begin your career as a Junior Electrical Engineer, where you’ll work under the guidance of experienced engineers, gaining practical knowledge and skills.

7. Mid-Level Positions:

  • Electrical Engineer: As you gain experience, you’ll progress to become an Electrical Engineer, responsible for designing and managing electrical systems and projects.

8. Senior-Level Positions:

  • Senior Electrical Engineer: With significant experience, you can advance to senior roles, where you’ll lead projects, mentor junior engineers, and make strategic decisions.

9. Leadership and Specialization:

  • Engineering Manager: Transition into leadership roles, such as Engineering Manager, where you oversee teams, budgets, and project portfolios.

  • Specialist or Consultant: Alternatively, you can become a specialist or consultant in your chosen field, offering expertise to organizations and clients.

10. Continuous Learning:

  • Professional Development: Stay updated with emerging technologies, industry trends, and new regulations through ongoing professional development, workshops, and certifications.

  • Networking: Build a strong professional network by actively participating in engineering associations and conferences.

The path to becoming a successful Electrical Engineer involves a combination of education, practical experience, specialization, and continuous learning. As technology evolves, Electrical Engineers will continue to play a vital role in shaping the future of various industries, making this career both rewarding and dynamic.

Career Responsibilities

Electrical Engineers are at the forefront of designing, developing, and maintaining electrical systems critical to our modern world. Their responsibilities encompass a wide spectrum, from conceptualizing electrical designs to ensuring the safety and efficiency of electrical systems. They conduct rigorous testing, troubleshoot issues, and often lead projects to successful completion. Communication and collaboration are vital as Electrical Engineers work with multidisciplinary teams, ensuring that electrical systems adhere to regulations and standards. Their work plays a crucial role in powering industries, improving technology, and advancing society.


  1. Design electrical systems and circuits.
  2. Develop electrical schematics and drawings.
  3. Select and source components for projects.
  4. Test and validate electrical systems.
  5. Troubleshoot and diagnose electrical issues.
  6. Collaborate with cross-functional teams.
  7. Ensure compliance with safety standards.
  8. Calculate and optimize electrical loads.
  9. Perform risk assessments for electrical projects.
  10. Plan and manage project budgets.
  11. Create technical documentation and reports.
  12. Evaluate and integrate new technologies.
  13. Conduct research for innovative solutions.
  14. Design control systems and automation.
  15. Implement energy-efficient practices.
  16. Maintain and upgrade existing systems.
  17. Lead and mentor junior engineers.
  18. Participate in continuous learning and development.
  19. Stay updated with industry trends.
  20. Prioritize ethical and sustainable engineering practices.

Career Qualifications and Skills

As an Electrical Engineer, you’ll need a strong educational foundation, technical expertise, and a range of critical skills to excel in this dynamic profession. Typically, a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or a related field is the minimum requirement. Licensure as a Professional Engineer (PE) may be advantageous for some roles. Beyond formal qualifications, you must possess exceptional problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, and creativity to design and troubleshoot complex electrical systems. Effective communication and teamwork skills are crucial, as you’ll collaborate with multidisciplinary teams and often explain technical concepts to non-engineers. Staying updated with industry trends and being adaptable to new technologies are also essential for a successful career as an Electrical Engineer.

Qualifications and Skills:

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or a related field.
  2. Professional Engineer (PE) licensure (optional but advantageous).
  3. Strong mathematical and analytical skills.
  4. Proficiency in electrical design software and CAD tools.
  5. Knowledge of electrical codes and regulations.
  6. Ability to interpret technical drawings and schematics.
  7. Problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities.
  8. Attention to detail and precision in work.
  9. Creative thinking for innovative solutions.
  10. Strong communication skills, both written and verbal.
  11. Collaboration and teamwork in multidisciplinary projects.
  12. Project management and organizational skills.
  13. Technical report writing and documentation.
  14. Familiarity with power systems and electronics.
  15. Understanding of renewable energy systems (for specific roles).
  16. Knowledge of control systems and automation.
  17. Troubleshooting and diagnostics expertise.
  18. Adaptability to emerging technologies.
  19. Continuous learning and professional development.
  20. Ethical and safety-conscious approach to engineering practices.

Preferred Personality

Being an Electrical Engineer requires a combination of technical prowess and personality traits that enhance effectiveness in a collaborative and dynamic field. Ideal Electrical Engineers exhibit a curious and innovative mindset, continuously seeking solutions to complex problems. Attention to detail is essential in designing precise electrical systems, while adaptability enables them to embrace evolving technologies. Strong communication skills facilitate teamwork and the ability to convey technical concepts clearly. Additionally, a strong sense of responsibility, ethics, and safety consciousness underpin their commitment to engineering excellence.

Preferred Personality Traits:

  1. Curiosity: A natural inclination to explore and understand complex electrical systems.
  2. Innovative: A penchant for creative problem-solving and finding novel solutions.
  3. Detail-Oriented: A keen eye for precision in electrical designs and diagnostics.
  4. Adaptable: Readiness to embrace and adapt to emerging technologies.
  5. Effective Communicator: Ability to convey technical concepts clearly to diverse audiences.
  6. Team Player: Collaborative spirit in multidisciplinary project environments.
  7. Responsible: A strong sense of duty towards engineering ethics and safety.
  8. Self-Motivated: Intrinsic drive to excel and stay current in the field.
  9. Analytical: Proficiency in analyzing data and making informed decisions.
  10. Problem-Solver: Skill in tackling complex electrical challenges with confidence.

Typical Work Environment

Electrical Engineers work in diverse settings, depending on their specialization and industry. Typically, they split their time between office-based tasks and hands-on work in laboratories, manufacturing facilities, or construction sites. Office environments are conducive to design, planning, and project management tasks, where they use software tools and collaborate with teams. In contrast, fieldwork demands visits to sites for system installations, testing, and troubleshooting. The work environment often involves adherence to safety protocols and may require occasional travel to meet project demands.

Work Environment:

  1. Office: Electrical Engineers spend a significant portion of their time in offices for tasks like design, research, documentation, and communication.
  2. Laboratories: They conduct experiments and tests in specialized labs to validate electrical systems and components.
  3. Manufacturing Facilities: Engineers working in manufacturing oversee the production of electrical equipment and systems.
  4. Construction Sites: Field visits are common for installation, inspection, and maintenance of electrical systems.
  5. Travel: Depending on project requirements, Electrical Engineers may need to travel to project sites or meet with clients and teams in various locations.

Top Companies for Electrical Engineers

Here are the top 10 companies known for hiring Electrical Engineers

  1. Siemens: A global leader in electrification, automation, and digitalization, Siemens offers a wide range of opportunities for Electrical Engineers in various sectors, including energy, healthcare, and industry.

  2. General Electric (GE): GE is a multinational conglomerate that hires Electrical Engineers for roles related to power generation, renewable energy, aviation, and healthcare.

  3. Intel: As a leading technology company, Intel provides opportunities for Electrical Engineers in the semiconductor and microelectronics industries.

  4. Lockheed Martin: A major aerospace and defense company, Lockheed Martin offers positions for Electrical Engineers involved in cutting-edge research and development.

  5. Apple: Apple hires Electrical Engineers to work on innovative products, including iPhones, iPads, and Macs, focusing on hardware design and development.

  6. Boeing: Known for its aerospace and defense solutions, Boeing employs Electrical Engineers in roles related to aviation, space exploration, and defense systems.

  7. Texas Instruments: This semiconductor company hires Electrical Engineers for designing and developing analog and digital integrated circuits.

  8. IBM: IBM offers opportunities in areas such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and data analytics, where Electrical Engineers play a significant role.

  9. Amazon: As a tech giant, Amazon hires Electrical Engineers to work on the design and optimization of its data centers and fulfillment centers.

  10. Ford: Automotive companies like Ford employ Electrical Engineers to work on electric vehicle technology, automation, and connectivity solutions.

Please note that the availability of job opportunities may vary by location and industry, so it’s essential to explore openings specific to your interests and career goals.

Professional tools for a Electrical Engineers


  1. AutoCAD: Widely used for creating electrical schematics, drawings, and 2D/3D designs.

  2. MATLAB: Utilized for numerical analysis, simulation, and modeling of electrical systems.

  3. SolidWorks Electrical: A tool for electrical 3D design and documentation, crucial for integrated electrical and mechanical design.

  4. LabVIEW: Ideal for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and controlling measurement and automation systems.

  5. ETAP (Electrical Transient Analyzer Program): Used for electrical power system analysis and design.

  6. PSPICE: A simulation program for electronic circuits and analog circuit design.

  7. Python: Versatile for data analysis, scripting, and automation in electrical engineering tasks.

  8. PLC Programming Software: Specific software like Siemens TIA Portal or Allen-Bradley Studio 5000 for programming programmable logic controllers.

  9. CADENCE: Employed in the design and verification of integrated circuits and electronic components.

  10. SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) Systems: Software used to monitor and control industrial processes.


  1. Multimeter: An essential tool for measuring voltage, current, and resistance in electrical circuits.

  2. Oscilloscope: Used for visualizing and analyzing electrical signals over time.

  3. Power Supplies: Provide controlled electrical voltage and current for testing and experimentation.

  4. Soldering Equipment: Necessary for soldering and desoldering electronic components onto circuit boards.

  5. Circuit Boards and Prototyping Kits: Used for building and testing electrical circuits and prototypes.

  6. Signal Generators: Produce precise electrical waveforms for testing and calibration.

  7. Electronic Components: A wide range of resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits used in circuit design and construction.

  8. Electrical Safety Gear: Including gloves, goggles, and insulated tools to ensure safety during electrical work.

  9. Computers and Workstations: High-performance computers for simulation, design, and data analysis tasks.

  10. Network Analyzers: Used in the testing and analysis of electrical networks and communication systems.

These software and hardware tools are essential for Electrical Engineers to design, analyze, test, and troubleshoot electrical systems and components effectively. The specific tools you use may vary depending on your specialization and the nature of your projects.

Successful Electrical Engineers

  1. Nikola Tesla: A pioneering electrical engineer and inventor known for his work in alternating current (AC) electricity systems and numerous inventions, including the Tesla coil.

  2. Thomas Edison: The inventor of the phonograph and the practical electric light bulb, Edison’s contributions revolutionized electrical engineering and the modern world.

  3. George Westinghouse: A key figure in the development of AC electrical systems, Westinghouse founded the Westinghouse Electric Company, which played a crucial role in the “War of Currents” against Edison’s DC systems.

  4. Claude Shannon: Known as the “father of modern digital circuit design theory,” Shannon’s work laid the foundation for digital circuit design and information theory.

  5. John Bardeen: A two-time Nobel laureate in physics for his work on semiconductor theory and the development of the transistor, which revolutionized electronics.

  6. Irwin Jacobs: Co-founder of Qualcomm, Jacobs played a pivotal role in the development of CDMA technology, a fundamental technology in modern wireless communications.

  7. Edith Clarke: A pioneering female electrical engineer, Clarke was the first female electrical engineering professor in the United States and made significant contributions to power system analysis.

  8. Ruth A. David: A leader in the field of signal processing and national security, David was the first female President of IEEE and served as Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Reconnaissance Office.

  9. John L. Hennessy: An electrical engineer who co-founded MIPS Computer Systems and served as the President of Stanford University, Hennessy has made significant contributions to computer architecture and education.

  10. Vint Cerf: Often referred to as one of the “fathers of the Internet,” Cerf co-designed the TCP/IP protocols and played a pivotal role in the development of the internet as we know it today.

These individuals have left an indelible mark on the field of Electrical Engineering, contributing to advancements in electrical systems, telecommunications, digital technology, and more. Their groundbreaking work continues to inspire future generations of Electrical Engineers.

Education forĀ Electrical Engineers

  1. Bachelor’s Degree: A minimum educational requirement is a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or a closely related field. This typically takes four years to complete and provides a foundational understanding of electrical engineering principles.

  2. Coursework: A comprehensive curriculum includes courses in mathematics, physics, electronics, circuits, control systems, digital systems, and computer programming. These courses build the essential knowledge base for electrical engineering.

  3. Laboratory Experience: Hands-on laboratory work is integral to an electrical engineering program, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge to practical experiments and projects.

  4. Internships and Co-op Programs: Many students seek internships or cooperative education (co-op) programs to gain real-world experience and exposure to industry practices during their undergraduate studies.

  5. Advanced Degrees (Optional): While not mandatory, pursuing a master’s or Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering or a specialized area can lead to advanced roles, research opportunities, and academic positions.

  6. Professional Engineering License (Optional): Obtaining a Professional Engineer (PE) license is optional but can enhance career prospects, especially for those working on projects related to public safety and regulated industries. PE licensure typically requires passing a state-administered exam after gaining sufficient work experience.

Related Courses for Electrical Engineers

  1. “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals” (Coursera): This comprehensive course covers the core principles of electrical engineering, including circuits, digital systems, electromagnetics, and power electronics.

  2. “Introduction to Electronics” (edX): Ideal for those looking to strengthen their electronics knowledge, this course explores transistor operation, amplifiers, and digital logic circuits.

  3. “Power Systems Analysis” (Coursera): This advanced course delves into power system modeling, analysis, and design, providing insights into electrical grid operations and stability.

  4. “Digital Signal Processing” (Udemy): Learn about digital signal processing techniques, including filtering, Fourier analysis, and discrete-time systems, which are crucial in fields like communications and audio processing.

  5. “Renewable Energy and Green Building Entrepreneurship” (Coursera): Focused on sustainable energy solutions, this course explores renewable energy technologies, energy-efficient building design, and entrepreneurship opportunities in the green energy sector.

  6. “Embedded Systems Programming on ARM Cortex-M3/M4” (Udemy): This hands-on course teaches programming and microcontroller interfacing, valuable for those interested in embedded systems and IoT (Internet of Things) applications.

These courses provide flexible learning opportunities for Electrical Engineers to enhance their skills, stay updated with industry trends, and explore specialized areas within the field.

This course is for anyone who wants to pursue a professional career or advance their existing skills.
The course is designed to be self-paced and flexible, with approximately 20-30 hours of content.
Yes, students who complete all the modules and pass the final exam will receive a certificate of completion that can be shared on LinkedIn.
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Enrolled: 12 students
Level: $80k-$100k


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed